To make it easier for you, below you can find what to expect from our site, explaining what can you do at each of our pages.
Home Page
See our daily featured projects, a list of 9 projects covering from old to recent ones.
Use the search bar to look for architects, and architecture projects. Search them by names or location.
Architecture Projects Page
In the projects page, you will see our library of projects sorted by year of construction, from newer to older.
There you can search for architecture projects using the filters.
- Search by Architect
- Search by City or Country
- Search by Typology
Project page
Here you will see information about the project, such as the architect, the year of construction, description and detailed and high quality pictures.
At the same time, for most of the projects, you will be able to:
- See the project's location on a map.
- Check its publications on different architectural magazines.
- Save the project in your arkilists.
- Share it on Social Media.
Finally, we will also show you some suggestions of other related projects that you might be interested, by same architect, location or typology.
Architects Page
In this page you will see a list of all the architects that are present on Arkitok.
You can filter by name to check if we do have the architect you are looking for, and jump directly to their page.
Architect page
See information about the architect/architecture studio, find all their listed projects in arkitok, and locate them on a map as well.
Find monographs from architectural magazines where they have been published and the site where you can buy them.
Share it on Social Media or with whoever you want or need.
Photographers Page
In this page you will see a list of all the photographers that have architectural photography reports on Arkitok.
You can filter by name to check if we do have the photographer you are looking for, and jump directly to their page.
Photographer Page
Find all architectural photography reports of the photographer in Arkitok and visit their official site.
Share it on Social Media or with the person you want or need.
My Arkilists Page
This is a feature only for registered users, we recomend you signup to arkitok to start using it ;)
Every user can create their own digital library, with diferent lists. Saving and organising their architecture projects as they please.
The idea is the same as spotify's playlists, just with architecture projects.

Made for architects, by architects.